The Chatham Rotary Club has been the recipient of (2) Rotary District Grants this year, which are enabling us to make major improvements to Elba Park in Gretna, as well and installing a dog fence at the new Pet Center in Chatham!
We are looking for some help in general clean-up and landscaping from anyone in the community who would like to show up and lend a hand. The upcoming work days are as follows:
Saturday, April 21st -- 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., both locations (Elba Park in Gretna and Chatham Pet Center)
Tuesday, April 24th -- 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. -- both locations
Saturday, April 28th -- 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. -- both locations
Please bring work gloves, shovels/rakes, and a joyful spirit! Hope to see you there as we all work TOGETHER to make our community a better place.
Paul will be traveling 4/21, so Chris Lund will be "the Captain" that day.