A dictionary for you, and a dictionary for you, and… a dictionary for everyone! Dictionary Day at Hurt Elementary School was a hit. Rotarians Dianna Burkholder, Todd Breaux, and Lisa Tuite thank the principal, teachers, and Third Grade students at Hurt Elementary School for their hospitality. Use those dictionaries to achieve great things!

The object of the Rotary Dictionary Project is to provide third grade students a personal dictionary of their very own that will serve them at least through elementary and middle school. Many educators and researchers see this as a key to better reading, speech, and writing. These skills will improve student performance in other subjects as well. Receiving the dictionaries from Rotary members is beneficial to students as well. The young people meet successful adults in their community who care enough about them to purchase these dictionaries and come to their school to present them personally. The brief explanation of Rotary service in the community and around the world gives students a lasting positive impression of Rotary and the ideal of service.