Integrating Drones

Lieutenant Scott Campbell, Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office

The Chatham Rotary Club hosted Lieutenant Scott Campbell, Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office, headlining our noon program.   Scott has been with the Sheriff’s Office since 1998 and his present job duties include the Bureau of Professional Standards and Internal Controls, Human Resources and he is a FAA Certified Drone pilot.  Scott is also an active member of the Danville Life Saving Crew. 

As a trained and licensed Drone Pilot for the Department, Scott gave an overview of the integration of unmanned aerial systems (Drones) into the employ of law enforcement.  His discussions include a short video, and a discussion on the Federal Aviation Administration’s policies and procedures as they relate to the use of Drones by law enforcement and the public.  Scott’s interesting discussion highlighted some of the life-threatening situations he had faced in the past as part of the Life Saving Crew and how Drones could have reduced the dangers to both the rescuers and to the victims.

April 16th Meeting

The Chatham Rotary Club hosted an unusual program presented by Paul Allen, first time book author, with an extremely interesting program entitled When Tobacco Was King. Paul, from Ontario, Canada is a retired Ontario Canada Secondary School Teacher of 32 years and is the son of the former President of the Canadian Leaf Tobacco Company.  

In his presentation he shares his fathers personal records and his own knowledge of the history of tobacco in both Canada and the United States.  Growing growing up so close to the tobacco industry and with family relations in both the Canadian & North Carolina tobacco business Paul has seemingly unlimited knowledge of the evolution of the tobacco industry in both countries.  Paul was hosted by Chatham Rotarian Chris Lund.  A number of Rotarians purchased his book and there was a gracious book signing following the presentation.

Celebrate! (Rotary April 9th)

Chatham Rotarians were treated to an informative program by Don Nodtvedt, Founder & Chairman of Board of Southside Region Celebration.  Don Nodtvedt is a retired Plant Manager of the Danville Nestle Corporation and Former Director of the Boys and Girls Club of the Danville Area.  Don was introduced by Chatham Rotarian Jimmy Barts, also a member of the board for Southside Region Celebration.

Jimmy Barts - Don Nodtvedt

Don’s presentation stressed that Southside Region Celebration, “Celebrate” is an interdenominational, interracial professional music group with a vision of “One Community, One Savior”. At nearly one hundred members strong, with a full orchestra, worship team, and choir, the group has members from over 24 area churches. Don’s passion for “Celebrate” was evident as he spoke to the group.

Don emphasized their strong commitment to create and deliver multiple quality praise, gospel, and worship services to the community and  churches in multiple venues.  Don reviewed the history and organization of Celebrate and expressed the desire for community members who want to be part of such an inspiring group to consider sharing their talents as musicians, choral members, or praise leaders by joining Celebrate.

Interested individuals can contact Don by email: [email protected]

Rotary Meeting April 2

The Chatham Rotary Club was treated to an informative program by Amanda Oakes, Prevention Services Director, Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services.  Mrs. Oakes was introduced by Chatham Rotarian Walter Sullivan.  Mrs. Oakes is a local graduate of Chatham High School, Danville Community College, and Averett University and is currently serving as President of the Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention.

The program gave a glimpse of local youth drug culture and trends.  Mrs. Oakes explored the top priorities for Pittsylvania County youth drug prevention as identified by our community needs assessments:  Underage Drinking, Tobacco/Vaping, and Prescription Drugs.  She also shared the programs and strategies being implemented to address these issues.

Mrs. Oakes set up a RASP (Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention) display that featured numerous handouts focused on strategies to address local drug culture and examples of items used by our youth in different trends in our communities.  Rotarian’s were also encouraged to take a home medication lock-box to secure medications in the home and to take advantage of the upcoming community outdated or unneeded medication turn-in upcoming here in the community.

Rotarian Walter Sullivan & Ms. Amanda Oakes