According to RI Club Leadership guidelines, ALL COMMITTEES have the following responsibilities:
- Attend your district training assembly
- Working with the president-elect, select and prepare your committee members
- Create subcommittees as needed
- Meet regularly and plan activities
- Set committee goals to help achieve the club’s goals for the year and monitor progress toward them
- Manage your committee’s budget
- Work with your club’s other committees and your district committee on multiclub activities or initiatives
- Report committee activities and progress to the club president, board of directors, and the full club
- Determine what else your club expects your committee to do
According to RI Club Leadership guidelines, the MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE's responsibilities include:
- Educate club members on how to attract new members and keep them involved
- Conduct classification surveys
- Create subcommittees as needed (for example, for identifying potential new members, member engagement, new member orientation, mentoring)
- Look at your club’s meetings, projects, and other activities and assess what it offers new members
- Develop a membership action plan to improve member satisfaction
- Conduct club assessments to ensure that membership development and retention efforts succeed
- Sponsor newly organized clubs in your district, if you choose to
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - Club Specific Duties and Tasks
- MEETINGS - Chair should hold monthly committee meetings and keep minutes
- COMMUNICATE - Engage committee members using pMail group (DaCdb)
- COMMUNICATE - Contribute to RotaryEngage (Public Awareness)
- BOARD - Chair should appoint a Rep to present a brief at each Board Meeting
- FUNDING - Committee must request an annual budget to grow membership
- FUNDING - When approved, the budget will be allocated by the Board
- BUDGET - Covers Retention, training, District/RI events and member drives
- BUDGET - Monitor, review and manage the Committee P&L Report
- RECRUIT - Encourage existing members to Sponsor new members
- RECRUIT - Conduct membership drives and socials (min 2 per year)
- INDUCTION - Perform formal ceremony for New Members
- ORIENTATION - Manage a Club education program to involve New Members
- ORIENTATION - Assign new members to a Committee, with a mentor
- RETENTION - Review attendance, increase member involvement
- WEBSITE - Review and update Membership Section of CRC website (Public)
- WEBSITE - Review and update Membership Section of RotaryEngage (Private)
- WEBSITE - Create/maintain the Member Orientation Section of RotaryEngage (Private)
- AWARDS - Assist Admin. committee in applying for District Awards
- AWARDS - Gold Club, Presidential Citation and various Club Awards
- AWARDS - Recognize Club Leaders for service
Recruiting new members is the responsibility of every Rotarian. The more you learn about what Rotary does for our youth, our local community and internationally, the better advocate you become to share our Rotary story. Recruiting starts with educating friend and neighbors within the local community about our Club, our focus and the community service projects we undertake. Communication is key! Attracting new members may begin with an invitation to a membership social, asking them to participate in a project or just inviting them to a regular meeting. You are the catalyst, become a new member sponsor.
Orientation is imperative to getting new members active in our Club. It's the process by which we introduce new members to the culture and inner workings of our Club. New members cannot participate if they don't know what we do. They choose to become a member because they, like us, want to be part of a Club that makes a difference. Orientation is not only an education process, but should also include assigning every new member to a service project to work on AND a committee to serve on. With involvement they will grow - without involvement they will leave.
Consider retention as the process of maturing members into positions of leadership. New members start with assisting with hands-on service projects, but they should also serve on a Club committee. The Club will only continue to grow if members are challenged to head projects that they believe in, get involved in committees, take advantage of RLI, District Conference, etc. With encouragement they will become committee chairs and Board members. If the Membership Committee works to keep members involved, engaged and recognized for their contributions, retention will not be an issue.